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A Mom's Story Acupuncture Advocating for Yourself amc theatres amniotic fluid apgar score armco park Autonomy In Pregnancy Award babies and bagels Babies Being Born at Night Baby Baby Blues Baby Fair bath Be Her Village Bereavement Doula Best Doulas of Cincinnati Best Doulas of Dayton Birth birth class birth doula Birth Experience Birth Interventions Birth Partner Birth Patterns birth photographer Birth Plan Birth Positions Birth Preferences birth story Birth Support birthmarks bloody show blue ash bowling braxton hicks breakfast Breast Engorgement breast feeding breastfeeding positions breasts leaking bump advisors butler county C-Section Calcium Calcium Certified Birth Doula Cervidil Cesarean Cesarean Section Child Birth Childbirth Class Childbirth Education Childbirth International Chiropractor Cincinnati Cincinnati Baby and Beyond Expo Cincinnati Baby Expo Circadian Rhythm Co-Sleeping Cobb Theaters Colic Collagen Contractions Coronavirus Crying Date Night Dayton Delivery Depression Diaper Bag Dilation DNC Donut Trail Doula Doula Support doula support Due Dates Each Stage of Pregnancy Early Labor Eating During Labor Effacement Engorged Breasts Entertainment Junction Epidural Epidurals essential oils Exercise Exercise During Pregnancy Family Fun Fertility Coach First-Time Mama Folate Foley Bulb Folic Acid Fontanels Fort Hamilton Hospital Free Service Frisbee Golf Gestational Diabetes Half Price Books Hands and Knees heart happy Holistic Holistic approach Home Birth Home Birth Preparation Homebirth homeopathic remedies Horomones Hospital Hospital Bag Hospital Birth Husband hydration Induction Inductions Informed Consent Iron Jaundice Jordan Panzeca Kangaroo Care Kettering Health Network Kristen Zumberger Labor Labor Comfort Labor Interventions Labor Inventions Labor Positions Labor Stages Labor Support Labor Symptoms Labor Symptoms Lactation Lanugo Latching LGBT Liberty Center Lightening Loveland Castle Low-impact Exercises Lunar Influence Managing Stress Mason Maternal recovery Medicated Birth Meditation Meghan Nowland Membranes Rupture Mental Health Midwife Milia Milk Production Miscarriage Mom Mom Tips Moms Moms Group Mongolian Spots Morning Sickness Movies Mucus Plug Music Natural Birth Natural labor choices natural relaxation techniques natural relaxation techniques natural relaxation techniques natural relaxation techniques natural relaxation techniques natural relaxation techniques natural relaxation techniques natural relaxation techniques Nesting New Baby New Sibling Newborn newborn development Newport on the Levee NICU Northern Kentucky Nursing Nutrients Ohio Pain Management Partner Support Patients Rights Perinatal Loss Pitocin Placenta Placenta Encapsulation Postpartum postpartum care Postpartum Depression Postpartum Home Visit postpartum support Postpartum Visit Posture PPD Pre Labor Preeclampsia Pregnancy Pregnancy Complications Pregnancy Diet Pregnancy Due Date Factors Pregnancy Fitness Pregnancy Guide Pregnancy Preparation Pregnant Friend Prenatal Care Prenatal Class Prenatal Exercise Prenatal Loss Prenatal Visits Prenatal Vitamins PROM Prostaglandins Purple People Bridge Rainbow Baby Rhythm Risks and Benefits Roller Skating Services Services Sexuality Siblings Side Lay Release skin to skin Skin to Skin Contact Skylar Rae Cruz Smale Riverfront Park Social Media Spinal Anesthesia Spinning Babies Spouse Stage of Pregnancy Stillbirth Stillborn Stork Helpers Stork Helpers Stretch Marks Strong Support Network Summit Park Supplies Tamara Kankowski Tandem Breastfeeding Teen Mom Teen Pregnancy Testimonial The Banks The Web Toddler Tooth Fairy Twins Umbilical Cord Upright Labor Vaginal Delivery Vernix Vitamin A Vitamin B12 Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Vitamin D Wahlburgers Warren County Water Break Waterbirth Wellness Practices West Chester Workshop Young Adult ClassMy Journey with Twins
After 12 weeks of bed rest. A belly that was 64 cm up & down & 55" around. Thirty nine weeks with four tiny feet kicking away waiting to come out. It was 6am when we arrived at the hospital for our scheduled C-section. You would think that I wouldn't be nervous, but I was. I don't know if I was more nervous or it was a different kind of nervous. We couldn't believe in just a few hours we were going to have twins in our arms & our family would grow from 7 to 9.
Is A Doula Right For You?
I've been asked by many families if you only have a doula for the first birth. The answer is No. There are so many reasons you can have a birth doula regardless of which pregnancy this might be for you.
Best Time to Call Your Doula
The day is finally here that you have waited nine months for; you think it is time to for baby to arrive. So when is the best time to call your doula? Every doula is different on their guidelines on when the best time is. My philosophy - when YOU want me. What does that look like you ask?
Acupuncture During Pregnancy
Hello all, it’s Dr. Kristen Zumberger again. Remember me? I’m a Chiropractor in Mason and recently wrote a blog post about Chiropractic during pregnancy and Chiropractic care for children. I actually just finished my certification in Acupuncture a month or so ago and wanted to share all of the different conditions I can now treat with Acupuncture during pregnancy.
My First Birth
Twenty years ago today I became a Mama. It's hard to believe that it's been that long, but I remember it clearly. On April 9, 1999, I woke up to some bloody show and I started to have some contractions. I was scared because I thought something was wrong. I had never took a childbirth class and no one told me what to expect.
My First Waterbirth As A Doula
When my first client approached me about wanting a water birth I was a little weirded out to be honest. I never wanted to do it myself with any of my births. I always thought, why would you want to sit in "your stuff?" And "what if you poop?" These are just some of the random thoughts I had over the years as I delivered our seven children. But I never expressed these thoughts to my client. I was very encouraging to her because this was her birth, her story, her body.
Chelsea and Saundra
I loved helping this couple throughout pregnancy and labor! I was so touched that they chose to use me as their doula and they did a phenomal job brining their baby girl into the world.
Below is what Chelsea had to say about Stork Helpers:
What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag
The diaper bag. The must have of every parent when they decide to venture out of the house. Whether you are going out for a quick trip to the grocery store or out for a family day of fun, this bag comes with you wherever you go. It becomes a part of you. So we asked some new moms what are their must haves when carrying around their bag.
With those answers, we compiled a list of top answers:
What to Pack In Your Hospital Bag
There is so much excitement going on about the new arrival that sometimes we forget some things that might make our stay a little bit nicer. We talked to some new mama’s and gathered list of things to make sure you have in your bag as your pregnancy ends and delivery day nears.
Healthy Self
Hello! My name is Jennifer Keiser, and I am a Certified Health Coach. What does that mean? It means I get to help change lives by offering freedom for a healthy mind, healthy body, and healthy finances! Here is a little about me and my journey to my healthy self.