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Why Upright, Forward-Leaning Labor Positions Work Best

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Why Upright, Forward-Leaning Labor Positions Work Best

Apr 15, 2024
Why Upright, Forward-Leaning Labor Positions Work Best

Mama, there are a lot of decisions you get to make when it comes to your birthing experience. One decision to consider is the position you plan to give birth in.

When it comes to labor, many women have traditionally been laid on their backs in bed. For years, the supine position (lying on the back) has been the go-to position for labor and birth in hospitals.  

However, studies have shown that this position can slow down labor, increase intervention risk, and cause complications. So, why did this practice become normalized? Click here to learn more!

At Stork Helpers, we empower you to be informed and make choices that are best for you.

If the supine position is not the most effective position for your baby, what position is more ideal? From recent research and evidence, we have discovered that upright, forward-leaning positions during labor may work best.  

The birthing experience is unique for every mama, and finding the right position during labor can impact your childbirth experience.  

Upright, forward-leaning positions offer a range of benefits that can enhance your birthing process and potentially reduce the need for medical interventions. By understanding the advantages of these positions, you can make an informed decision about your birth plans and advocate for your well-being.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of the labor position you choose and why upright, forward-leaning labor positions may work best.  


The Importance of Labor Positions in Birth  


Choosing a labor position is important during childbirth as it can significantly impact the progress of labor and the well-being of you and your baby. 

As mentioned previously, certain labor positions, such as lying on the back, are not as ideal.  

Lying on the back can compress major blood vessels, reducing blood flow to your uterus and the baby, and making labor longer and more difficult. It can also increase the risk of perineal tearing and the need for interventions. 

Perineal tearing, also known as perineal lacerations or tears, refers to the tearing or stretching of the tissues between the vaginal opening and the anus (perineum) during childbirth. It is a common occurrence during childbirth, especially if you are giving birth for the first time. 

In contrast, the right labor positions can help to facilitate the descent and rotation of your baby, open your pelvis, and ease the passage of your baby through the birth canal. They can also help to relieve discomfort, promote effective uterine contractions, and reduce the risk of perineal tearing and other complications. 

We recommend choosing an upright, forward-leaning position. This position involves you being in an upright posture, leaning slightly forward during labor. For this kind of position, you can be standing, squatting, or kneeling to help take advantage of gravity, open the pelvis, and facilitate the progression of labor. 


3 Benefits of an Upright, Forward-Leaning Labor Position  


An upright, forward-leaning labor position has been found to provide numerous benefits for both you and your baby that can make your birth journey positive.  

We have outlined a few reasons why you should consider choosing this kind of labor position for your birth experience.  

  1. An upright position improves blood flow to your uterus, which can help to ensure that your baby receives an adequate oxygen supply during labor. This improved blood flow can also help to regulate your blood pressure and reduce     the risk of complications during birth.

  2. Forward-leaning during labor can facilitate the descent of your baby through the birth canal. By allowing gravity to assist in the process, this position can make your labor and birth smoother and potentially reduce the need for interventions. 

  3. By choosing an upright position you can enhance the efficiency of contractions. The natural pull of gravity can help to encourage your baby's movement down the birth canal, which may lead to a shorter labor overall. 


Choose a Birth Position with Stork Helpers  


At Stork Helpers, we are here to offer valuable insight and emotional support as you navigate your pregnancy journey, including making decisions about your birth position.

Choosing the right birth position is an important decision that can impact your entire labor and birth experience. We understand this and are here to provide guidance and support as you explore your options.

Our team of experienced birth professionals can offer you valuable insight into the various birth positions available, along with the potential benefits and considerations for each.  

Whether you are interested in upright positions like squatting or standing, or a more traditional position like lying on your back, we are here to provide information and support to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and needs. 

Furthermore, our team understands the emotional challenges that can come with making decisions during pregnancy.  

We offer a compassionate and understanding approach to support you, mama, as you navigate this journey. With Stork Helpers by your side, you can feel empowered and confident in your decision-making process, knowing you have a knowledgeable and supportive team to guide you along the way. 

We are your doulas, ready to advocate for you and your baby in Cincinnati and Dayton. Click here to reach out today! 

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