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What to Pack In Your Hospital Bag

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What to Pack In Your Hospital Bag

Mar 17, 2019
a couple expecting a baby

There is so much excitement going on about the new arrival that sometimes we forget some things that might make our stay a little bit nicer.   We talked to some new mama’s and gathered list of things to make sure you have in your bag as your pregnancy ends and delivery day nears.


Charger: Once you make the baby announcement, you will be bombarded by your phone if its not off.  Text messages, phone calls, social media likes/comments over your new baby’s photo. Make sure that you don't forget to pack your charge.  In fact, go get an extra. I actually ordered a couple extra that I keep in my doula bag so that I always have a charger when I rush out the door.   This way my home charger is always home and I don't have to think twice about it.


Toilet Paper: This one may seem a little odd, but trust me! The toilet paper at most hospitals is one ply and leaves a lot to be desired.   Bring a roll or two of your favorite home toilet paper. The extra softness goes a long way during your initial recovery period.


Conditioner/Body Wash/Lotion: At some point you are going to want to clean off once you are in your recovery room.  Whether just rinsing off or taking a full fledged hot shower to feel human again, make sure you have your products that will help you feel refreshed.   In fact, just buy a couple travel bottles from the dollar store and put them in the bag. Saves you space and you won't have to worry about it if your water breaks in the middle of the night.  


Hair Ties: Labor can be intense and you just don't how you will feel.  Your room may be hot or cold, you may feel like the temperature is constantly changing.  Make sure you have some hair ties just in case you want to put it up. You want to make sure that you are comfortable during labor as much as possible.  


Pajamas: Grab a some pajamas that you find to be comfortable.  Hospital gowns are not what you want to wear for a couple days.  If you are going to breastfeed, try finding some that button up on the front to make it easier for you and baby.   


Nursing Bras: comfortable, easy to latch or snap, try them in the store before you buy them.   


Pairs of Socks/Slippers: Your feet may be hot or cold, so grab something to make your feet warm.   Slippers are great for traction because hospital floors can be very slippery with just a pair of socks in.  If you don't have anything, don't worry - hospitals normally give you a pair of socks that have some traction on them and they can do the job well.  In fact, I have saved most of mine and our kids use them cause they like them.


Snacks: When all has settled down, you are going to want to eat.   Make sure you have some snacks so that you can munch once your doctor has given you the all clear.   Snacks are great way to fill your stomach as you might not be hungry enough for a meal at first, but just need a little something.  I suggestion something with chocolate.


What's in your hospital bag?

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