Cincinnati & Dayton Doula Reviews
I don't know if it's possible to put into words how thankful I am for Tamara at Stork Helpers. When I reached out to her I was pregnant with my second child, and I was desperate for my birth experience to be different than it was with my first. My first, a son, was born right at the start of the pandemic in 2020. Even though he was healthy, he was born by an emergency C-section (a long story), and that whole experience left me feeling more fearful than ever with the thought of going through it again. I knew I wanted to try for a VBAC, and in researching what to expect I found many studies confirming a higher VBAC success rate with the support of a Doula, I have to admit, I never even considered hiring a doula at first. I consider myself a somewhat private person and I couldn't imagine birth being shared with anyone other than my husband and the OB that I had entrusted with my care. My husband felt the same way, but Boy were we surprised with how much having Tamara in the room made the experience for both my husband and I and the way in which we experienced it TOGETHER that much better.Also everyone in my life that had previously given birth and shared their birth story with me always talked about how painful it was and the "necessity" of getting an epidural. That paired with my lack of confidence made me feel like birth with medical intervention was the only way I would be able to get through it. I was SO wrong, and Tamara made me realize that my body was capable of so much more than I possibly could have imagined especially with the right mindset.
My appreciation for Tamara starts right from the first contact I had with her. By the time I decided to pursue hiring a doula it was relatively late in my pregnancy and I was nervous I had waited too long, when I texted her to see if she was available she happened to be on vacation with her family, but she still responded immediately, and her warm and compassionate responses put my mind at ease right from the start. When my husband and I met her in person for our consultation she came to our house and stayed for over an hour listening and talking with us. By the end It felt like I was talking to a friend I had known for years, and before she walked out the door my husband and I both knew that hiring her was exactly what we needed. For the first time I actually felt excitement instead of fear for the birth we were preparing for.
For the remaining weeks of my pregnancy she regularly checked in and I felt comforted knowing she was looking out for me and helping me prepare my mind and body for birth. With every interaction I felt like she really took the time to listen to me and understood what I needed and that was evident in the support she provided my husband and I before, during and even after the birth.
Going into my first birth I was uneducated, unprepared, fearful, and full of self doubt. Tamara single-handedly turned all of that around for my second birth in under 9 weeks. Her birth class was also excellent and tailored to my husbands and I's specific needs and in the comfort of our home.
Hiring Tamara to be part of my birth experience was possibly one of the best decisions I have made in my entire life. If you are on the fence like I was about hiring a doula, you won’t regret it. I only regret not having her for the birth of my first child, because even with the same outcome of having to have a C section I’m one hundred percent confident that if she had been by my side through that ordeal I would not have had the same level of fear and anxiety going in, or the negative feelings of defeat that I had after the birth. I am forever grateful for Tamara for helping me achieve the birth story that my husband and I so wanted and needed. If I am blessed with another child someday, I won’t hesitate to hire Tamara again.
Having Tamara be part of our birth experience was the best decision we could have made.
I didn't personally even decide I wanted a doula until well into the third trimester. I reached out to several different people, and set up a time to meet with Tamara. From the get-go, she was very responsive and flexible. We met at a Starbucks by my home and just chatted. I was immediately drawn to her warm and easygoing spirit.
As I didn't meet her until a few weeks before giving birth, my husband and I didn't end up needing to take her birth class (as we'd already taken one at the hospital) -- but she made sure we could meet again before the big day and carefully helped us create our birth plan.
The day of our birth, she was with us from the early hours in the morning until at least two hours after our baby girl was born. I'm talking a long time. And was SO helpful in comforting me during my contractions. She would bring wet wash cloths, rub my back and also supported my husband through it all. I initially didn't plan on getting anesthesia, but after several hours of back labor -- I quickly changed my tune. She was a soldier and really made us feel supported in every way, including during some of those decisions with the epidural, conversations with the doctor about not progressing as well as they'd like, etc. As a first time mom, having her there with a plethora of knowledge about birth made me feel so much better during the fact.
When our baby was born, she took SO MANY PICTURES. Like, I'm talking at least 75. I obviously couldn't take any, and my husband was definitely too in the moment to even think about grabbing his phone, so this ended up being an amazing plus that I really didn't even think about. She got pictures of everything. Now that our baby is almost three months, it's so sweet and special to have those and something I will treasure forever.
Once our baby was finally here, Tamara was checking up on us and even fed me snacks (as having a baby makes you STARVING). Even after we came home from the hospital, she came over and brought an adorable onesie for our baby, a delicious baked ziti dish and just to check in and make sure everything was going okay.
As mentioned, it's been almost three months since the birth of my daughter and she still checks in with me during different age milestones.
Being a doula is certainly her true calling, and we were very lucky to have found her. My husband and I both would hands down recommend her to anyone in need of some love and support during childbirth.
Thank you so much, Tamara, for being there for us during such a transformative time our lives!
When I found out I was pregnant with my second child, I knew I wanted to bring this baby into the world with little to no interventions possible. I started doing my research and talking to other women who have birthed children unmedicated and I was advised to look into a doula. Cue searching the internet and Facebook relentlessly until I stumbled upon Tamara! My husband and I set a date and time to meet with her, and the encounter was SO natural! I felt like I had known her my entire life.
On our way home, I told my husband “I’m not taking any chances that she is going to be booked before we have this baby, I’m paying her - SHE IS THE ONE!” Fast-forward, and COVID hit. Tamara talked with me throughout my pregnancy on my options. Birthing at home, birthing in a hospital, how to carry a healthy conversation with my spouse on what my birth preferences were, etc. Towards the end of my pregnancy with COVID in full swing, I’m surprised I didn’t give poor Tamara whiplash with as much bouncing back and forth I did on where I wanted to bring this baby into the world at. And every single day, whenever my decision changed, she reassured me that she would support me 100%. July 1st came and I contacted her in the early morning letting her know I think it was time, like really really time! She waited patiently until we gave the green light for her to head our way. She walked into the room and I felt instant relief. My guardian angel had arrived. I knew my husband would be able to be my support person during labor, but adding COVID and all other emotions on top of it - I knew she was going to be OUR rock, not just mine. She held my hand. Rubbed my back. Reassured me. She took me out of my own head and told me that I was LIVING my birth plan dream. She had my back when it came to making decisions and she did more than just physically support me during labor. Without a doubt, without Tamara and my husband - I would not have been able to bring a happy chubby 7lb 14oz baby boy into this world without a drop of pain medication. However you decide birth, Tamara will support you. She will reassure you that YOU are making the right decisions based on your body and mental health. She really is an amazing person with a beautiful heart and soul. And I will NEVER bring another child into this world without her standing there right by my side!
Having Tamara as our doula was such an incredible part of our home birth experience. She was the first member of our birth team to arrive and came as soon as I asked. She jumped right in and took over timing contractions and communicating with the rest of the birth team before they arrived. She offered physical support by applying pressure when it felt good and emotional support through words of encouragement. She helped me whenever switching positions and held me accountable to the preferences I had in my birth plan. She made sure I had fresh cold wash cloths for my head, took pictures when she wasn’t actively needed, and even helped deal with our dog. No details were missed, she was amazing. I had to push for quite a long time and she never left my side, helping to hold my legs the whole time. I honestly couldn’t have done it without her! Once our sweet boy was here she helped with the clean up, helped me to get in and out of the shower afterwards, and even changed our sheets. She took pictures as we introduced the baby to our older daughter and captured some of the most beautiful first moments. Tamara stayed until the wee hours of the morning to make sure we were all alright and supported. Not only was she such a wonderful part of the birth experience but she checked in each week leading up to the birth and for the first 8 weeks postpartum, and even brought us a meal! She was such a thoughtful, essential, and knowledgeable part of our birth team and we can’t thank her enough. We highly recommend having Tamara as part of your birth experience.
Tamara was an essential part of my birth and pregnancy. I am a first time mom and had so many questions and Tamara helped ease my mind anytime I had a concern or question. I had a perfect birth plan but the day I went to the hospital for labor that all went out the door when somehow between week 39-40 pre-eclampsia showed up. From there everything I had hoped for went out the door but Tamara continued to keep me calm and encourage me. She was willing to come whenever I wanted but didn't want her there too early because I had a long road ahead of me. Day one went by and it was a long night, neither my husband or I had slept so the following morning as things progressed I asked her to come. I was starting to give up at over 24hrs of contractions and I was tired and so was my husband but he didn't want to leave my side. Tamara showed up by 10am on Saturday morning and stayed the entire day and night. She offered suggestions to help with labor and the pain involved She stayed by my side so my husband could rest. By evening I still had not progressed much so she stayed the night in the hospital with us and every time a nurse or doctor came in she was by my side. By morning more issues came and they decided I needed a c section. Tamara helped pack our room up then waited while I was in surgery, stayed while I was in recovery and then came to the post-partum room. She helped get us settled in and stayed by my side so my husband could get cleaned up since I was heavily medicated. Tamara stayed by my side from 10am Saturday to 2-3pm on Sunday and not once did she ever make me feel rushed or like I was a bother. She was absolutely incredible. She has continued to check in with me post partum as well. If you're on the fence about getting a doula.. just do it. My husband wasn't too sure of it but asking him now he has said how thankful he is we had Tamara. I don't think I could imagine a birth without her.
We found Tamara just in time! I was pregnant with my daughter (our first baby) and wanting to attempt a natural birth. My husband wanted me to get an epidural and skip the pain but I knew this was something I really needed to atleast try. Having extra support from Tamara made all the difference. She helped me to prepare for the birth, she was there for me when I found out I wouldnt get to deliver in Natural Beginnings like I had hoped, she was at the hospital within 30 mins of my water breaking in the middle of the night and she helped me to achieve the natural birth I had hoped for through physically comforting me and cheering me on during labor.
She was so amazing that as soon as I knew we had our second baby on the way I reached out and made sure Tamara would be by my side again. I had struggled through hyperemesis in my first pregnancy and was going through it with in home nursing care again with our second. It was always an emotional boost when she would check in with me. Having achieved an unmedicated birth with my first daughter I knew I could do it again but the OBGYN on call was a strong advocate for epidurals. After he started being more forceful I called Tamara to come to the hospital since I knew I would feel more confident with her to support my birth plan. She was so helpful with keeping me physically comfortable and her advice was so important to me when I felt my OBGYNs priority was speed but she had my comfort, and birth plan in mind. With the help of Tamara and a great L&D nurse I had my second unmedicated waterbirth and was able to catch both my sweet girls myself. I will be forever greatful for this amazing woman! Especially having a baby in the height of covid where our birthing support has been so limited.. I couldn't have had 2 wonderful birth experiences without her help.
Tamara was a wonderful doula! We had the pleasure of having her support us throughout the pregnancy, labor & delivery, and postpartum. During the pregnancy, she helped us build our birthing plan, research treatments for my diagnosis of gestational diabetes, and prepare and transition into a family of 5. During labor and delivery, Tamara was hands-on working with my husband as well as the midwife and the nurses to make sure that I felt supported for more than 12 hours. She even stayed with us until we were transferred to our postpartum room to make sure that if we needed any additional support, she would be there to lend a hand. I was so impressed by her professionalism, support, and her ability to bring comfort in the midst of all the chaos.
In addition to the pregnancy and labor & delivery support, Tamara was absolutely incredible in providing her services to our family as a postpartum doula for a few weeks. She supported us by bringing us food, running errands with me, taking care of my kids while I bathed/nursed/etc., and cleaning up after the kids after playtime. She was amazing with my daughters and my daughters absolutely loved her.
Tamara is an amazing doula! Her guidance throughout my pregnancy, her support throughout my labor & delivery, and her selfless service during my postpartum process was outstanding. Her ability to connect with my family so quickly made the entire transition process to a family of 5 smoother and easier for us. She has truly become a part of our family.
Tamara is an amazing doula. She brings knowledge, confidence, and a calm to what can be an overwhelming and slightly scary situation. For years before I even got pregnant, I knew I wanted to have a natural birth. It was very important to me, but I also knew it would be difficult. I didn’t even know what a doula was until I started researching tips for coping with a natural birth. I knew right away I wanted to have a doula. After researching more about local doulas, my husband and I meant with Tamara. He was slightly hesitant about having someone else there apart of our big day, but he was supportive with the idea. After meeting her, he immediately said let’s do it. We were both so pleased and thankful for her support though out my pregnancy and birthing experience. When my water broke, Tamara immediately responded to my early morning text and actually beat us to the hospital. It made the process seem so much easier and less intimidating when walking in with someone who knew exactly where to go and what to do. Due to my husband’s work schedule that week, he only got about 2 hours of sleep before my water broke. It was wonderful having someone else there for support so he could rest a little bit and not feel like he was leaving me alone. My husband and I were so thankful we went with Tamara. She helped give me the confidence and encouragement to have the natural birth I so wanted. She was the perfect calming force to have there, especially being a first time mama. If you are on the fence about hiring a doula, don’t hesitate.

It was an easy decision to hire Tamara for our second homebirth. I knew from the moment I met her she would be the perfect addition to our birth space. When the test showed up positive, I texted her right away. She was so attentive and encouraging the entire pregnancy. When Skylar came into the picture, it was even better! She was so sweet and it felt so natural to have her involved as well. When I went into labor, I kept them updated until I was ready for the support. Tamara raced to my side after being up all night with another family and stayed for hours after my birth when I was sick from hemorrhaging. Her counter pressure is INCREDIBLE and was much needed by the time she got to my side. She helped encourage me and remind me that I was strong enough to get through those last few hours. After the pregnancy her and Skylar checked in frequently to make sure we were both doing well and celebrated with us in our breastfeeding successes. I don’t know if more babies are in store for us, but if they are we would hire Stork Helpers again!
Tamara was a really important puzzle piece to our home birth. I hired her immediately after talking to her one time on the phone because I knew that she was going to be perfect for our birth and exactly what I wanted.
I am so grateful we found her, and I would hire her one million more times if I could!
We are SERIOUSLY thankful for Tamara and Skylar this Thanksgiving as we welcomed our twins a week ago.
Being a doula myself, I reached out to Tamara very early on and hired her. It was the best decision. She supported us throughout and answered all of our questions as we prepared for a VBAC with twins. We ended up having a C-section due to baby A’s position but felt very prepared to do so. Tamara was with us from 8am to 5pm, even providing us support and encouragement in the OR.
One thing that my husband especially noticed is that she was recognized quickly in the hospital and it was obvious that she is respected and a valuable part of the birthing team.
We are so grateful for a wonderful experience from the beginning of pregnancy all the way to the postpartum visit and follow ups - including placenta encapsulation. If you’re looking for a great doula that will make sure you get the options, support, and respect you deserve, choose Stork Helpers. You will not be disappointed.
I met Tamara about halfway through my pregnancy, in early 2020. I am a first time mom and was having MAJOR anxiety about labor & delivery. Tamara was very attentive to mine and my husbands concerns and answered many questions we had about her services. After that meeting, we decided to hire her to be our doula. When the Stay at Home orders were put in place due to Covid-19, Tamara would consistently check in with me to make sure I was still doing ok. We had our appointments via zoom. Tamara had a birth plan template we went through together and was very thorough in discussing all types of scenarios. She never judged us for any decisions we wanted to make and it truly felt like she was just in it to support us in all our birthing decisions. Unfortunately for us, when I went into labor, our hospital had a one support person rule so Tamara was not able to be with us in person but she was constantly checking in and offering tips and suggestions to help us. After our little one had arrived, Tamara continued to check in weekly and even drove out to deliver a sweet care package. Our doula experience may not have turned out as we originally planned but we are still so glad we had Tamara in our corner. She is a wealth of knowledge and you can tell she takes pride in her role as a doula.
Tamara was amazing. Super affordable and the quality was seriously perfect. Tamara would check in every week during pregnancy and the first few months postpartum. She offers so many recommendations with prenatal care or whatever your labor and postpartum goals are. Tamara will meet you in person for a free consult if you are thinking about hiring her as your doula. We met at Starbucks, it was like catching up with a good friend. Tamara recommended a home birth for me because of the goals that I had for labor and delivery. Tamara helped me find a home birth midwife team at 20 weeks gestation!
Once contractions started, Tamara came over right away and helped me with pain management and was there for support giving me words of affirmation. If it were not for Tamara, I would have never had a homebirth or a pain free labor! Every mom to be should have a doula, even if you already had a baby before. Thank you Tamara for making my second pregnancy and postpartum better than my first. I will be hiring you again for future pregnancies. Don't hesitate, seriously call Stork Helpers once you have a positive pregnancy test, you will not regret it.
I HIGHLY recommend Tamara from Stork Helpers Birth Doulas! Going into my first pregnancy and birth I had a lot of anxiety. I was researching as much as I could about what makes a good birth team, I kept coming across people who said that doulas made all the difference in having a positive birth experience! I researched doulas in my area and came across Tamara, she was exactly what I needed. By this point, I was around 26 weeks pregnant & I was not very happy with the care I was receiving at my OBGYN. Tamara empowered me to take my care into my own hands, I found a new OBGYN practice that I loved and with Tamara’s help I came up with a birth plan (preferences), thanks to her very helpful at home birthing class! Even though my birth did not go as I had planned, I still felt in control of my birth experience and to this day I am confident with the decisions that I made regarding the birth of my baby. If you are on the fence about hiring a doula, do it!! I will definitely be hiring Tamara for any future births of mine, and recommending her to family and friends! I don’t know what I wouldn’t have done without a doula .
Tamara was absolutely wonderful leading up to and during the birth of my daughter. She was reliable, responsive and helpful throughout my pregnancy. She helped calm my fears and worries about my baby being breach. Her birth class was very helpful to both me and my husband. During my labor, Tamara’s presence was calming and reassuring. Her experience and knowledge, both from her own births and as a doula, made me feel confident and supported as a first time mom. Having her there in addition to my husband played a huge role in how I was able to have the unmedicated birth that I wanted. I had complications after the birth of my daughter and Tamara stayed at the hospital with us longer than necessary to make sure I was ok. She helped me feel safe and calm in some very scary moments. I can’t thank her enough for her time, love and support and I’d highly recommend her as a doula!
I am so thankful to have found Tamara prior to having my first baby. I was experiencing a lot of anxiety about the delivery process in general and specifically delivering in a hospital where I kept hearing stories of women whose concerns were not listened to by doctors or nurses. Tamara really took the time to talk to us about all of our choices and let us know that we have a say in what happens with the birth of our child. I felt much more empowered going into it and although my experience didn't quite go as planned having Tamara there really made me feel supported and less afraid. She even continued to check in once a week for the first 8 weeks to make sure that the transition to parenthood was going as smoothly as possible. Thank you so much for everything, Tamara!
I had a wonderful birthing experience thanks to Tamara! She is very knowledgeable and passionate as she loves what she does! She also provided extra support during the first few weeks after I delivered. My partner and I decided to hire Tamara as a doula after taking her birthing classes. She helped us prepare in the weeks leading up to my due date. The night my water broke, she was in the waiting room ready to go when we arrived at the hospital. We were so glad to have her there during my labor and delivery. She provided comfort and encouragement throughout the entire process, beginning, middle and end. I plan to have her by my side again in the future and would highly recommend her services to anyone.
TAMARA IS AMAZING! This woman gave me all the strength during my birth. As a first time mom doing a home birth with a baby that was 10 days late, I was stressed out to say the least. I had no idea what to expect from labor or how long it could last, but from the moment things got going Tamara was by my side. 15 hours she sat there, and at least 6 was just pure silence until a contraction hit and my vocabulary became very colorful - LOL. She helped me feel empowered about my decisions and was so insightful from her own experience as a mom and from all the mothers she’s worked with. I genuinely love Tamara and could not imagine birth without her!
As a husband preparing for labor and delivery I do not think books and research is adequate enough. Having a doula, specifically Tamara in the room with years of experience with labor and delivery helped me feel at ease. She was there throughout the whole delivery reassuring me that the process was normal and everything was happening accordingly. It made me feel more reassurred and better focused on helping my wife through labor. The preparation she gave my wife and I before delivery was essential on navigating a natural birth. I truly believe we would not have had such a positive birth experience if it wasn't for her. Thanks Tamara!
Tamara was amazing! My birth was a long process- we were at the hospital for awhile and I believe Tamara was there for over 24 hours with us, AFTER being with another client all night the night before! She stayed all the way until we were in our postpartum room- even after we told her we were fine! Her prenatal childbirth class alone is worth her service fee. She was always quick to answer (even at 4am when my water broke) and was very helpful to have around for my first pregnancy. I would recommend Tamara at Stork Helpers to anyone!
Tamara's help was invaluable, her professional support is worth the investment! She was amazing helping get ready for birth. Her presence during labor helped me make it through. She was with me every contraction, more so than the nursing staff could be and she had great suggestions for different labor positions. My labor and delivery experience would have been bad if it wasn't for Tamara's quiet presence. Whether it's your first child or fifth, a second set of helping hands is always welcome. Tamara is someone you can trust.
If you are looking for someone to help you have a peacefully empowered birthing experience then you should book a consultation with Tamara from Stork Helpers. My pregnancy was better because I had a doula who cared about my wellbeing the entire way through. Anything that I needed clarification on to ease my anxiety during pregnancy and labor, Tamara provided me with both her knowledge and experience with prenatal care to help prepare me for the birth I desired. I am 1000% pleased with Stork Helpers and will seek services again in the future.
If you are at all debating whether to hire Tamara, do it! Tamara was wonderful support during the birth of my daughter. I had a vision of an unmedicated water birth at the hospital and we achieved it with Tamara's help. From providing educational resources during pregnancy to refreshing a cold rag on my head during labor, both my husband and I agree that Tamara made a huge positive impact. She helps establish a safe space during labor and she helped create an environment to welcome my baby girl in a relaxed and powerful setting. Thank you, Tamara!

Tamara is wonderful, highly recommend Stork Helpers if you are looking for a doula. Their services are more than worth what they charge. They check on you regularly throughout pregnancy and postpartum and are super quick to respond to any questions or concerns. The birth class was very helpful and gave me an idea about different options that I might have during delivery. My favorite thing Tamara did was take pictures for us during my delivery. I’ve probably gone back and looked at them 100 times because I love them so much.
I had a great experience with Stork Helpers! Placenta was encapsulated and I used the coffee flavored capsules too. It was a subtle hint of coffee not overpowering. Tamara was excellent to deal with and the salve she made me made a huge improvement to my newborns diaper rash, better than traditional creams. Tamara was always quick to respond and she is a good friend to have in your corner to ask her questions since she is an experienced mom :)

Tamara was wonderful to work with. She was so supportive of me and my husband and made labor so much easier. She was so helpful right after birth from helping us learn how to breastfeed to helping us transition to our post partum room. I was initially on the fence as to whether or not we needed a doula but after our experience we will definitely use Tamera again! She helped ease all the worries I had with this being my first baby.
Tamara was a great support person during pregnancy & delivery! Her birth class alone is worth gold! She helped tremendously during my delivery & I don’t know what my husband & I would have done without her! Highly recommend to anyone looking for an additional support person for your pregnancy or L&D to check out Stork Helpers!!

Hire her now. I received so much support from Tamara during my pregnancy. She went above and beyond several times to ensure I was okay on my journey. Tamara shares best practices, advice, and an ear when you need it. I cannot say enough wonderful things about her. If you are even considering a doula, you should go with her.

Tamara was great! She really helped by being a support person for me during an emotional pregnancy. She was encouraging the whole time including during labor/delivery. She gave us childbirth classes and helped us develop our birth plan. Definitely recommend hiring Tamara!