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Why is Skin-to-Skin Contact with Your Newborn Important?

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Why is Skin-to-Skin Contact with Your Newborn Important?

Apr 1, 2024
Why is Skin-to-Skin Contact with Your Newborn Important?

Mama, the first moments after you have given birth are precious and filled with emotions.  

At Stork Helpers, we want you to embrace this magical moment by considering skin-to-skin contact!  

Skin-to-skin contact, also known as kangaroo care, is a powerful and natural approach that has been shown to provide several benefits for mamas, their birth partners, and newborns.

This practice involves placing the baby directly on your chest or your birth partner's chest, with no clothing or blankets in between. It allows your baby to feel the warmth and heartbeat of their parents, creating a sense of security and comfort.  

Skin-to-skin contact not only strengthens the emotional connection between you, your birth partner, and the baby but also provides a range of physical and psychological benefits.  

Whether you are a new mama or a birth partner, understanding the power of skin-to-skin contact can transform the early bonding experience with your newborn. 

In this blog post, we will explain the numerous benefits of skin-to-skin contact so that you can embrace this beautiful connection! 

If you want to learn about the importance of skin-to-skin contact for cesarean births, click here

a person holding a baby

Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact for Mama 


Skin-to-skin contact fosters a strong and nurturing bond between you and your newborn that is vital for your physical and emotional health. 

Below, we have outlined some of the reasons this practice is valuable.  

  1. Skin-to-skin contact helps regulate your body temperature, reduces stress levels, and promotes emotional well-being.

  2. Physical closeness and touch can trigger the release of hormones that lead to feelings of calm and happiness, aiding in your overall mental and emotional state. 

  3. Close contact promotes the bonding process between you and your newborn, fostering a deeper sense of connection and attachment.

  4. Intimate contact such as skin-to-skin contact with your baby can make breastfeeding easier for you by stimulating your milk production and encouraging your baby to latch on more effectively. 

  5. Skin contact encourages you to understand your newborn's cues and needs more intuitively, boosting your confidence and maternal instincts.

  6. Finally, in terms of postpartum recovery, skin-to-skin contact can provide you with comfort and support as your body heals. It can ease some physical discomforts associated with childbirth, providing a sense of relief and calm during this transition. 
a person holding a baby

Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Connection for Birth Partner 


Skin-to-skin contact as a birth partner is a key practice that encourages connection and supports mama’s postpartum recovery.

It is only natural that your connection with the newborn is different from mama’s due to not having carried the baby yourself for 9 months. Therefore, we suggest that you embrace this connection with an open heart and mind!  

Below, we have explained some of the benefits of skin-to-skin contact.  

  1. Bare skin contact promotes bonding between you and the newborn, helping to build a strong connection from the very beginning.  

  2. Engaging in skin-to-skin contact can have a positive impact on your emotional well-being as you can feel a deep sense of involvement in caring for your newborn.  

  3. This physical closeness can strengthen your bond with the baby, improve confidence in providing care, and help you feel more connected to the overall caregiving process.  

  4. This increased involvement can also lead you into a more active role in newborn care and contribute to a smoother transition into parenthood. 


How to Incorporate Skin-to-Skin Contact 


To implement skin-to-skin contact, you should sit in a comfortable upright or reclined position with your upper body exposed.

Your baby should be placed directly on a bare chest, with your baby’s head turned to one side and their whole body in contact with your skin. A warm blanket can be placed over your baby for added comfort. 

Regularly including this practice in your life can help regulate your baby's body temperature, stabilize their heart rate and breathing, and more!  


Embrace Connection with Stork Helpers  


During this beautiful and chaotic time of your life, it is important to prioritize emotional support and connection.  

At Stork Helpers we are here to help you embrace and nurture this sense of connection, offering a valuable resource for emotional guidance.  

Whether you are an expectant mama, navigating the early days of parenthood, or experiencing the highs and lows of fertility and pregnancy, Stork Helpers is here to lend a listening ear and compassionate support. 

We offer a community of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and triumphs that come with pregnancy and parenthood. We are committed to fostering an environment of empathy, understanding, and encouragement.

Embrace the connection with Stork Helpers as we walk alongside you on this incredible journey. 

That is where Tamara and Skylar from Stork Helpers come in. We are your doulas here to advocate for you and your baby in Cincinnati and Dayton. 

Your doula is here to answer all your questions and ensure your voice is heard.   

If you want to learn more about what a doula can do for you as a first-time mama, then click here to start a conversation today!

For more fertility and pregnancy tips and support, follow Stork Helpers on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn!  

Happy with the difference Stork Helpers made in your birth journey? Leave us a quick five-star review here! 

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